Things to consider from a technology perspective as you prepare to leave SCH.

Contact Tech: | 215.754.1659 | in person in C-26 (The Inn) or room 72 (Thornley Middle School)

1. Google Accounts are deactivated at then end of your last day of school (PK-11). For graduating seniors in 2023 the date is June 29. Update your email contacts that you will no longer be reachable at your current SCH email address and provide them with a personal address that they can reach you with.

2. You will see several methods for transferring your files and data saved to Google. Option A & B.  

The SCH Tech Team strongly recommends option B. "Option B" is great for easily transferring your email and Google Drive files to another Gmail account as opposed to downloading and importing them as large hard to navigate files. Please use the link for this option. 

Consider "option A" if you are using Google Photos, uploaded Youtube videos, or have calendars and/or contacts you need to save and import later to your personal account. This option takes a while to complete. Start this at least a week prior to leaving SCH. Please check the Google Takeout tool that Google provides for downloading a copy of this data. Here is a link to the tool. You will be presented with data from every Google Service selected by default. Unselect data you do not need. It will be downloaded as one or many .zip files depending on the size of your data. You can then transfer these files to a personal laptop, personal cloud storage, or external hard drive.

3. Review your Google Drive data that you have shared with classmates and teachers. When your SCH Google account is deactivated, any Drive file that you own and share with others will no longer accessible by those teachers and classmates. Here is some helpful information from Google on transferring ownership. Be sure to do this on the file level not on folders as folder permissions do not propagate down.

4. Transfer any files that you have stored on your laptop that you wish to keep before returning your laptop. Some options to look at would be uploading to a personal Google Drive account, Dropbox, or using physical media such as a USB flash drive or Firewire external hard drive etc. with Target Disk Mode.

5. De-authorize your iTunes account on your laptop, here is a helpful link.

6. Check your personal social media and other personal content accounts to verify your SCH email address is not linked to these. If it is, please move to a personal email address ASAP. Consider apps like Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Venmo, and Uber.